Housing Standardisation

Symposium: The Future of Housing Standards

Symposium: The Future of Housing Standards 19th March 2024 | 2:00 to 9:00 pm | Frobisher Auditorium, Barbican Centre, London EC2Y 8DS. The event discusses challenges in defining affordable, decent, or adequate housing and providing homes that are equitable and...

Symposium: The Present and Future of Housing Standards in Chile

Symposium: The Present and Future of Housing Standards in Chile This international event will be held on November 7, 2023 at 11:00 am at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, seeking to examine the impact that housing design governance mechanisms—particularly the...

Implementation of space standards in affordable housing in England

Implementation of space standards in affordable housing in England Seyithan Özer In 2015, the UK government published the Nationally Described Space Standard (NDSS) following a housing standards review. Unlike its predecessor, the Housing Quality Indicators, the NDSS...

The metrication of Parker Morris Standards

The metrication of Parker Morris Standards Lucia Alonso In the UK, the process of metrication – the switch from imperial to metric units of measurement – was officially agreed in 1965. Yet, there is still a mix of imperial and metric measurement in use. Journey...

Welcome to Housing Standardisation

Welcome to Housing Standardisation Sam Jacoby Equitable access to affordable and well-designed housing is fundamental for a just society. Yet, there is an estimated demand for 345,000 new homes per year in England alone. Housing inequalities and a failure of the...